Guido Imfeld, contact for Mercatorius

As contact person for the services of our network and responsible for the German-Belgian Desk, Mr. Guido Imfeld (Aachen/Liège) and his team are at your disposal.

Mr. Imfeld is a specialist lawyer for international business law, commercial and corporate law, spécialiste en droit international privé and business mediator. His focus is on international business law, especially German-Belgian business and commercial law. He is admitted to the bar in Aachen, Germany and to the Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Liège, Belgium. He is therefore entitled to advise and represent clients before all first and second instance jurisdictions in both countries.

Mr. Imfeld, who has been living privately in Belgium since 1998, knows the Belgian market, the peculiarities of Belgian law with regard to international distribution and – last but not least – the Belgian mentalities, in the plural, because Flanders is not the same as Wallonia and the German-speaking community has its own peculiarities. It is essential that the lawyers of the German-Belgian Desk have a good command of the three national languages of Belgium: French, Dutch and German, in addition to English as the frequently chosen language of negotiation between German and Belgian contracting parties.

Mr. Imfeld has been a member of the Board of the Cologne Bar Association since 2008 and was its vice president from 2012 to 2023. He is one of the two delegates of the German Federal Bar Association (BRAK) to the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and, among other things, a member of the European Law Committee of BRAK.

Guido Imfeld

Guido Imfeld

Jülicher Str. 215
52070 Aachen, Germany

Mobile number: +49 (0) 173 4211372
Fax: + 49 (0) 241 / 9 46 21-111
